The inkjetuniverse
IMI’s mission has always been to provide the latest inkjet technology, market, and applications information to the broadest possible cross section of the inkjet industry participants. Based on the current world order of expanded virtual services; IMI will be broadening its information resources via multiple methods – all available within the new Inkjet Universe web site
Having served as a primary strategic information source for the digital and inkjet print industries for over thirty years, IMI is pleased to announce the next generation of information resources for the inkjet and digital print communities.
Bimonthly Digital Conferences
IMI’s two major inkjet industry conferences have been converted to ongoing bimonthly digital events for the coming year.
Inkjet Age of Materials Conference 2020-2021
November 18, 2020 – September 15, 2021
Bimonthly Digital Online Conference Sessions
February 17, 2021 – December 15, 2021
Bimonthly Digital Online Conference Sessions
These inaugural bimonthly ongoing digital conferences will feature:
Sessions on a scheduled basis every two months
Three 30-minute presentations by recognized industry leaders for each session
5 to10 minute commentaries on each session’s topics from consultants, end-users, researchers, etc. with different perspectives on the session topics
Q & A opportunities via chat/live options
Suppliers Forum presentations: 1 to 3 per session
Downloadable handout materials including full participants list
Recorded sessions available to conference participants following each bimonthly session
Each session scheduled to last 2.5 to 3 hours
If possible, a live-in person summary/update conference session will be scheduled at a later date. Updates on this will follow as we assess the ever changing concerns impacting health/safety, travel, and group gatherings such as conferences.
Since the format will be evolving throughout the year, additional ideas for features, topics, speakers, etc. are welcome and solicited!
For the most current information on upcoming events, click here.
Why an Ongoing Digital Event Format?
Since March, we have spent a great deal of time evaluating alternative digital approaches to providing effective and timely information, content, and contact development to the digital and inkjet industries.
We’ve arrived at our ongoing digital event format with bimonthly presentation sessions to enable a more cohesive and snappier option to build an involved community in the critical area of inkjet materials which are an essential element for the industry’s continued application expansion and market growth.
One major element in our decision that after participation in numerous online events, we have observed that participants attention spans and concentration are “challenged” by sessions ranging from 1/2 day to multiple days.
Thus, our goal is to provide a versatile ongoing resource which will benefit all those in the inkjet materials field.
We welcome your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. as we are sure our concept will be an evolving one over the course of the upcoming year.
Welcome aboard!
Inkjet Innovation Academy Courses
IMI’s popular Inkjet Innovation Academy courses (which be offered online for the near future) provide learning opportunities designed to provide improved technology understanding and current state-of-the-art knowledge of inkjet capabilities in various application areas.
With the rapid pace of inkjet technology developments and applications expansion; the need for training has become an increasingly important element for vendors, integrators, and end users.
Courses such as The Inkjet Academy, Industrial Inkjet System Design, Inkjet Inks: Materials & Applications, Inkjet Technology for Industrial Print, and more course topics are being planned.
Courses led by recognized inkjet technology experts and innovators provide
Inkjet Knowledge & Insights Not Generally Available in Public Domain
Time & Money Savings by Avoiding "Reinventing the Wheel"
An Investment in Your Future Inkjet Developments & Implementation
Development of Relationships with Course Leaders & Industry Peers
For the most current information on upcoming events, click here.
International Inkjet Industry Directory
A key feature of The Inkjet Universe will be an international inkjet industry directory providing comprehensive coverage of inkjet products ranging from ink raw materials to final ink products; printhead components to printheads to final printer products; base substrates & substrate additives/treatments to final substrate products; system components to complete subsystems; testing, consulting, educational and other services plus much more.
The complimentary Online International Inkjet Industry Directory listings on The Inkjet Universe will include a 150 word corporate description, logo, and contact details (corporate address, web site link and phone/email contact for additional information.
To submit your company’s directory listing information, click here.
IMI Inkjet Blogs
IMI’s Inkjet Blog site provides focused insights into important technology related topics of value to the inkjet industry.
To view current blogs, click here.
If you are interested in submitting a blog, please email
IMI Inkjet Resource Library
IMI’s completed conference programs have covered virtually all aspects of technology development, applications development and market growth. The presentation notes from these completed programs offer unprecedented background and insights into critical topics of value in developing your inkjet industry strategy.
To view completed conference programs and presentation topics, click here.
If you have questions, please email
Sponsorship Opportunity for The Inkjet Universe
IMI is excited to announce an entirely new sponsorship opportunity to expand the number of industry suppliers able to digitally position themselves “front and center” before a key group of inkjet business leaders including executives, product developers, technologists, major users, etc. - PLUS distributing their message to IMI’s global database of nearly 20,000 relevant contacts. Sponsors will receive conference registrations plus ongoing recognition, exposure, and publicity for an entire year via multiple channels!
Our goal is to develop an “inkjet community” focused on generating excitement about rapidly expanding inkjet materials technology developments, markets, applications, and opportunities - thus benefiting all Inkjet industry participants and end users.
For complete sponsorship details, click here.